Edward Thorndike
1.A cat was placed in a box to observe his conduct while he tried to get out and find some food. At first since he did not know the box it was hard to find the exit. After a while because of trial and error the objective was met and he became quicker.
2.It states that if responses in a determined situation are pleasant, they will likely occur din similar situations. In the other hand, responses that produce discomfort will not likely happen again in a similar situation.
3.it states that connections through practice become stronger and weakened when practice is forgotten or stopped.
1,Operant conditioning means according to Skinner that a determined person learns due to an event in environment he or she is exposed to.Changes in their behavior happen due to a response eithr negative or positive to that event.
2.It means that an individual wants to do over again something for what he got a positive response or reward.
3.According to Skinner punishment is the removal of positive reinforcers due toa a negative response.
4.Positive is when a positive reinforcer is given to a positive response. Negative is when a consequence happens because of an aversive stimulus.
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