sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Edward Thorndike
1.A cat was placed in a box to observe his conduct while he tried to get out and find some food. At first since he did not know the box it was hard to find the exit. After a while because of trial and error the objective was met and he became quicker.
2.It states that if responses in a determined situation are pleasant, they will likely occur din similar situations. In the other hand, responses that produce discomfort will not likely happen again in a similar situation.
3.it states that connections through practice become stronger and weakened when practice is forgotten or stopped.

1,Operant conditioning means according to Skinner that a determined person learns due to an event in environment he or she is exposed to.Changes in their behavior happen due to a response eithr negative or positive to that event.
2.It means that an individual wants to do over again something for what he got a positive response or reward.
3.According to Skinner punishment is the removal of positive reinforcers due toa a negative response.
4.Positive is when a positive reinforcer is given to a positive response. Negative is when a consequence happens because of an aversive stimulus.
1.baby Albert was introduced to a rat in a lab, which at first he liked very much. later when the doctor made an annoying noise by hitting a bar, the baby would get frightened and started to cry. From then on he would get upset when he saw a rat and any animal with fur.
2.the conditioned stimulus was the rat, the unconditioned stimulus was the baby and the conditioned response was the cry.
3.i think the limitations were that the response was based only according to one baby. he should have tested it with more than one. Also it involved only one animal, maybe the response would have been different with two or more animals. It could have been more accurate.
4.it states that if a same stimulus gives the same response over and over, both will become a habit.
5.it explains that the response that has happened last or recently is tha one that is associated with the stimulus.
6.his assumption is that in order to learn, one has to experiment an experience in the environment.
Ivan Pavlov:
1. he was currently studying dogs digestive process.
2. He put a tube throughout surjery where the saliva dripped. He performed certain expiriments to see how saklivation changes, when a bell ringed that meant that the food was coming so the dogs would salivate everytime the bell ringed.
3. the unconditional stimulis is the food but without the bell sound, the conditional stimulus is the bell and the response is that the dogs produced salivation whenever they heard the bell because they were used to see the food come when the bell rang.
4.organisms of the same specie start to die and there are more death rates than birth rates so the specie sooner or later comes to an end.
5.. Stimulus generalisation is the extension of the conditioned response from the original stimulus to similar stimuli. so the dog may respode by salivating to similar souds as the bell because it is already used to it. the dog is smart.
6.An animal or person can be taught to discriminate between different stimuli, it is much more shown in dogs though because of the expiriment. in humans you can see in fast foods, just at the sight of an add, they get hungry and salivate and wanna eat it. the dog with the bell is the same thing
7.Pavlov made a surgery in the dogs to be able to insert the tubes, we couldnt be able to make any sort of surgery we would probably kill the dog, and he used the same kind of dog, he didnt test like a chihuahua and a golden retriever, no he only used one breed.
8.that you can train an animal through classical conditioning, such as the dog would react to the bell for food.