It has been debate over years now if the source of homosexuality is nature, born with, or nurtured, developed to be by environment. Why it is that science cannot figure this out? Homosexuality cannot be tested to be proven that it is nature or nurture because it is more on the psychological side than on the science side. Many hundreds of tests and statistical analysis have been done to see what the source is, but they have no luck. Throughout the research, it is clear that there is a bigger winning side and a smaller losing side. It is by popularity or preference of people that the source of homosexuality is by nature, that there is no way you can nurture your sexuality because we are born with it. Various studies have been made in terms of homosexuality on twins, brothers, and adopted siblings. Twin studies have always been a highly debated area of experimentation, as they digged deep into the investigation, the results portray that 95% of identical twins if one is homosexual the other is as well. Other studies also indicate that homosexuality is nature for example a particular statistic carried out by sexual orientation researcher and study author Anthony Bogaert, at Brock University in Canada who discovered that men with older brothers were more likely to be born gay. His research revealed that although a first-born son has a 3 percent chance of being homosexual, which is standard for the population, the fourth son's chance of being homosexual doubles to about 6 percent. "This is an important contribution," said Dean Hamer, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, who discovered genetic links to sexual orientation. "It's possible to really show this is a biological rather than social or psychosocial effect.". In my opinion homosexuality is born with, you can not change your sexual orientation through time or development. it comes with genetics.