sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Edward Thorndike
1.A cat was placed in a box to observe his conduct while he tried to get out and find some food. At first since he did not know the box it was hard to find the exit. After a while because of trial and error the objective was met and he became quicker.
2.It states that if responses in a determined situation are pleasant, they will likely occur din similar situations. In the other hand, responses that produce discomfort will not likely happen again in a similar situation.
3.it states that connections through practice become stronger and weakened when practice is forgotten or stopped.

1,Operant conditioning means according to Skinner that a determined person learns due to an event in environment he or she is exposed to.Changes in their behavior happen due to a response eithr negative or positive to that event.
2.It means that an individual wants to do over again something for what he got a positive response or reward.
3.According to Skinner punishment is the removal of positive reinforcers due toa a negative response.
4.Positive is when a positive reinforcer is given to a positive response. Negative is when a consequence happens because of an aversive stimulus.
1.baby Albert was introduced to a rat in a lab, which at first he liked very much. later when the doctor made an annoying noise by hitting a bar, the baby would get frightened and started to cry. From then on he would get upset when he saw a rat and any animal with fur.
2.the conditioned stimulus was the rat, the unconditioned stimulus was the baby and the conditioned response was the cry.
3.i think the limitations were that the response was based only according to one baby. he should have tested it with more than one. Also it involved only one animal, maybe the response would have been different with two or more animals. It could have been more accurate.
4.it states that if a same stimulus gives the same response over and over, both will become a habit.
5.it explains that the response that has happened last or recently is tha one that is associated with the stimulus.
6.his assumption is that in order to learn, one has to experiment an experience in the environment.
Ivan Pavlov:
1. he was currently studying dogs digestive process.
2. He put a tube throughout surjery where the saliva dripped. He performed certain expiriments to see how saklivation changes, when a bell ringed that meant that the food was coming so the dogs would salivate everytime the bell ringed.
3. the unconditional stimulis is the food but without the bell sound, the conditional stimulus is the bell and the response is that the dogs produced salivation whenever they heard the bell because they were used to see the food come when the bell rang.
4.organisms of the same specie start to die and there are more death rates than birth rates so the specie sooner or later comes to an end.
5.. Stimulus generalisation is the extension of the conditioned response from the original stimulus to similar stimuli. so the dog may respode by salivating to similar souds as the bell because it is already used to it. the dog is smart.
6.An animal or person can be taught to discriminate between different stimuli, it is much more shown in dogs though because of the expiriment. in humans you can see in fast foods, just at the sight of an add, they get hungry and salivate and wanna eat it. the dog with the bell is the same thing
7.Pavlov made a surgery in the dogs to be able to insert the tubes, we couldnt be able to make any sort of surgery we would probably kill the dog, and he used the same kind of dog, he didnt test like a chihuahua and a golden retriever, no he only used one breed.
8.that you can train an animal through classical conditioning, such as the dog would react to the bell for food.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Articles about Sleep

"Highschoo students with a delayed school start time sleep longer, report less daytime sleepyness."
Author: Zaw W. Htwe.
institution: Norwalk Hospital's Sleep Disorders Center in Norwalk
they tested a late start on students to see if it made a change on their daily sleepyness, they had them do a survey about sleep before and after. the students having late start said they did have more evergy, they slept  about 30 minutes more. i think this article is interesting because its an experiment id love to test everyday since I love to sleep a lot, but school wont let me.

"Beinga night owl in high school is linked with lower college GPA"
Author: Jennifer Peszka
Institution: Associated Professional Sleep Societies
they observed sleep hygiene in kids on highschool, and how it affected their GPA to study and perform in the eveing than midmorning. Because of theyre bad sleep hygiene, their GPA dropped when they wrote on the evening and was much higher when it was earlier. i think this article is very useful because now i know what to do and what not to do i the future.

"Starting highshool one hour later may reduce Teen traffic accidents"
Author: Barbara Phillips
They tested datime sleep differences when the have a late start and a normal start. teenagers have less daily sleepyness when they have late start. this gives them more evergy, and prevents car crashes. when they are tired, crash rates go higher so a good way to prevent is with enough energy. i think this article is useful to prevent car accidents, and to be informed and precautious of never driving wen youre sleepy.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Nature vs Nurture: Homosexuality.

It has been debate over years now if the source of homosexuality is nature, born with, or nurtured, developed to be by environment. Why it is that science cannot figure this out? Homosexuality cannot be tested to be proven that it is nature or nurture because it is more on the psychological side than on the science side. Many hundreds of tests and statistical analysis have been done to see what the source is, but they have no luck. Throughout the research, it is clear that there is a bigger winning side and a smaller losing side. It is by popularity or preference of people that the source of homosexuality is by nature, that there is no way you can nurture your sexuality because we are born with it. Various studies have been made in terms of homosexuality on twins, brothers, and adopted siblings.  Twin studies have always been a highly debated area of experimentation, as they digged deep into the investigation, the results portray that 95% of identical twins if one is homosexual the other is as well. Other studies also indicate that homosexuality is nature for example a particular statistic carried out by sexual orientation researcher and study author Anthony Bogaert, at Brock University in Canada who discovered that men with older brothers were more likely to be born gay. His research revealed that although a first-born son has a 3 percent chance of being homosexual, which is standard for the population, the fourth son's chance of being homosexual doubles to about 6 percent. "This is an important contribution," said Dean Hamer, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, who discovered genetic links to sexual orientation. "It's possible to really show this is a biological rather than social or psychosocial effect.". In my opinion homosexuality is born with, you can not change your sexual orientation through time or development. it comes with genetics.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Phineas Gage

Phineas Gage was an American railroad constructor, he was born July 9 1823, and he died on May 21 1860. This typical railroad constructor is known and remembered for his amazing survival to a deadly accident. on September 13, 1848, while preparing the roadbed for the Rutland and Burlington railroad outside the town of Cavendish, Gage's duty was to add blasting powder, a fuse, and sand then compact the charge into the hole using a large iron rod. The powder exploded making the iron rod  go through his head. The iron entered on the side of his face, passing back of the left eye and out on the top of the head. This accident caused pressure upon his brain. Once when his wound was being examined, Gage comited and because of the pressure half a teacup of his brain fell on the floor. The pressure on his brain left him semi-comatose from September 23 to October 3. It took him time to get up and do stuff but later on he was already walking around the house and going out. It was said that his attitude changed a lot because of this injury. Something in his brain was altered that made his attitude give a big switch. Human brains are categorized as well as other things to be organized. The way our body works is arranged in sections of the brain, his attitude changed because of the sections, that one was altered. Brain localization consists of he notion that aspects of behavior are mediated by different parts of the brain.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Nature VS Nurture

The phrase Nature VS Nurture is a debating statement which emphasizes where certain qualities came from, if they are genetically  recieved or they are developed through time with the environment they learn from. This famous said phrase was first said by the english victorian polymath Francis Galton. Galton was inspired by Charles Darwin's book "The Origin of Species", he was his cousin. Nature VS Nurture debate just one main topic which is the individual importance of a person's inate qualities Versus development through time, how that development changes and human experience. It has always been debated, still is debated there  is no belief on just one. Over time every individual person has come to develop their own opinion, the main deal is that science cannot test most of psychology thats why it is so hard to debate this theory. I personally think that everything varies, it depends on the quality that we are talking about. Some we are born with genetically but others we develop and our environment influences on us a lot. Even though every one has their own opinion on the subject, not all of us respect other people's opinions because we are so defensive. We have to respect others thoughts because if we dont we wont ever stop debating because this is not a matter of science so it wont ever be prooven which one of those is right or wrong.
information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture


miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Evolution, Natural Selection or Religion?

Around the 18hundreds a British Naturalist changed the way people viewed where we came from, our origin and how the human race started. This naturalist was Charles Darwin, born February 12 1809 on Shrewsbury, England. His parents were Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Hegwood. Darwin believed that life on earth evolved over millions of years to what we are now. In 1831, Darwin set an expeditionto on the HMS Beagle circumnavigating the globe. The expedition lasted 5 years. He collected a lot of data and species when they were in the Galapagos Islands for further study when he returned. Because of all the research and data he collected, he had various theories upon his return to london on 1836. He had various theories such as evolution. His theory of natural selection consisted that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organisms ability to adapt to its environment. Cultural issues were serious to his work, not in a good way. His theories somehow prooved not completely that there is no such thing as a god and that we came naturally. Everyone at that time was completely religious which made it difficult for him deciding wether to publish his book or not, he was afraid of rejection and banning in society.

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

What is Psychology? Why should we study it?

The first time someone asked me what psychology was, I thought it was any thing related to being crazy or mentally challenged. It has nothing to do with being crazy, but with humans minds and behavior. When you study someone's psychological state, you have to focus on its mind and behavior to see their state. We should study psychology to gain knowledge about ourself and how certain factors can manipulate and affect our behavior.